
BlueYorkCrestLogoEstablished in 2014,  Finding Africa: Interdisciplinary Postcolonial African Studies  is committed to providing a platform for researchers and interested others to share knowledge, open up questions, and explore issues relevant to postcolonial Africa. While predominantly consisting of a series of seminars, the platform also includes relevant workshops, colloquia, and conferences. In line with this mission, Finding Africa facilitates interdisciplinary conversations by researchers working in the following fields of literature, film, history, sociology, politics, women’s studies, anthropology, psychology, journalism, media studies, music and musicology, and human rights. 

Katherine Furman (LSE)
Katherine Furman (LSE)

Although based in the University of York’s Department of English and Related Literature, Finding Africa features academics from universities throughout the UK and participation from beyond is also both welcome and encouraged. Current academic associations include the Northern Postcolonial Network, the University of Leeds’ Centre for African Studies (LUCAS), Manchester Postcolonial Reading Group, and the Yorkshire African Studies Network.

The Finding Africa blog also welcomes contributions from writers, artists, journalists, publishers, and others with an abiding interest in Africa, and seeks to expand the scope of conversations about the continent.

You can now also follow us on FacebookTwitter or  send an email to yorkpocoafrica@gmail.com.

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